Samsara Media
Samsara Audio
What sort of problem is a human being? On the ego and self-harm

What sort of problem is a human being? On the ego and self-harm

In the first episode of Samsara Audio, I provide an overview of the essay series I've been running at my blog Samsara Diagnostics. The series is titled "what sort of problem is a human being?" and focuses on the philosophical problems raised by the question of self-destructive behavior in humans. I draw on an eclectic set of sources, including Nietzsche, Lacan, and Girard, and I begin to put Christianity and Buddhism into dialogue on the question of the relation between consciousness and harm. In particular, I focus on the central role which the development and the function of the ego plays in self-destructive behavior. If you'd like to learn more, please visit Samsara Diagnostics to subscribe for free weekly posts. You can also follow Samsara Audio's YouTube channel to stay up to date on the latest content from Samsara Audio, some of which will only be released on YouTube. Stay tuned, and thanks for listening!

Samsara Media
Samsara Audio
Samsara Audio is dedicated to finding the freedom in finitude through religion, philosophy, and psychoanalysis. Subscribe for free weekly emails at