This is Samsara Media, a studio dedicated to practicing the freedom in finitude.

Samsara Media brings together a surprising convergence of theoretical fields — this is where my central practice as a Christian comes into conversation with post-Kantian philosophy, Buddhist studies, and psychoanalytic theory.

Subscribe to Samsara Media to stay up to date on projects unfolding here, including upcoming events, seminars, books, and occasional posts.

Also, I invite you to join us at Samsara Study Groups (it’s free!) to go deeper with your religious practice and academic research. We’re currently reading through the works of the Kyoto School, and we also host feedback circles where we give and receive feedback on our work from others in the community.

I do all of this in my spare time because I love it, but it does take away time from my family. I’d appreciate if you’d be willing to support me by signing up for a premium subscription, buying my book, or sending me a one-time tip. Thank you so much!

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While my podcast Samsara Audio is on indefinite hiatus, I continue to post at Samsara Diagnostics, my email newsletter where I write weekly (sort of) about religion, philosophy, and psychoanalysis. Subscribe to receive a free piece in your inbox on Friday mornings.

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Dispatches from the wasteland | Religion, Philosophy, Psychoanalysis


Strange scribblings at the borderlands of religion, philosophy, and psychoanalysis. Read weekly at or occasional posts on Substack.